Mindful Living Blog

Tips for Modern Living
Motherhood in the Age of Social Media

Motherhood in the Age of Social Media

You’ve probably heard of the stress hormone cortisol. It’s the body’s built-in alarm system, triggered in times of stress, and essential for survival. However, prolonged exposure to elevated cortisol levels can negatively impact our well-being—especially for mothers...

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The 4th Trimester: Postpartum Support Across Different Cultures

The 4th Trimester: Postpartum Support Across Different Cultures

By Contributing Writer & Intern Alissa Flores: Postpartum periods are a vital transition for women as they journey into motherhood. This momentous shift is recognized in numerous nations ranging from Belgium to the Dominican Republic. Conversely in the U.S. the motherhood journey is often a solitary one.

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The Science Behind ‘Mommy Brain’

The Science Behind ‘Mommy Brain’

By Contributing Writer & Intern Alissa Flores Is mommy brain real? Up to 80% of new mothers experience this distracted feeling and brain fog post-partum. But why? New research suggests that women’s brains are wired to adapt to the role of motherhood. First-time mothers experience changes in their brain during pregnancy and post-partum.

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Momdemic  Stress

Momdemic Stress

By Contributing Writer Darién Castillo Worn out by endless Zoom calls, household chores that seem to double every week, the stress of juggling work and family tasks? Pandemic life has certainly taken its toll on almost everyone and seems to be hitting moms the...

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Coping with Stress

Coping with Stress

By: Gabriel VitugHigh School Student & Guest Author When we encounter a threatening situation, our bodies go into fight, flight or freeze mode. This reaction was extremely beneficial in pre-modern society. However, instead of being at risk of being eaten by a...

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How to Recognize Our Emotions

How to Recognize Our Emotions

By: Gabriel VitugGuest Writer When it comes to coping with anxiety, an effective first step is to recognize our emotions. However, identifying emotions and what causes them can be daunting at first. Below is a step by step guide that will help you through the process....

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Coping with COVID-19 Stress

Coping with COVID-19 Stress

By Contributing Writer Darién Castillo With more and more people getting vaccinated in the US, it appears like the end to the quarantine experience is just around the corner. Some dealt with the emotional toll of the pandemic by finding new creative outlets, such as...

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Parenting During a Pandemic: A Letter to Parents

Parenting During a Pandemic: A Letter to Parents

Dear Parents: You are heroes! Truly. In one month you have taken on so many additional full-time roles: classroom/preschool teacher, counselor, coach, zoom conference coordinator, lunch lady, and _____________ (fill in the blank). The current situation has taken the...

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3 Steps for Managing Emotions During COVID-19

3 Steps for Managing Emotions During COVID-19

Well, the past two weeks have been quite the roller coaster. Social distancing became an everyday phrase, schools closed, the governor issued a stay at home order, and as of today, even the parks are closed. The events of this week have triggered intense emotions as...

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Mindfulness in the Age of Distraction

Mindfulness in the Age of Distraction

Many books and articles have been written on mindfulness but it's difficult to remain mindful in the age of technology with the constant interruption of notification sound effects, vibrations, and ringtones. Our minds are wired for these distractions; they love, love,...

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Creating Connection in Relationships

Creating Connection in Relationships

Two experts in bonding take a look at key responses in love relationships. See what happens when we disconnect and how to repair disconnection in our lives and relationships. Watch the video below:

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What makes a good life?

What makes a good life?

"What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it's fame and money, you're not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you're mistaken. As the director of a 75-year-old study on adult development, Waldinger has unprecedented...

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Gratitude and our health

Gratitude and our health

We have one day of the year dedicated to giving thanks. What would it look like if we practiced gratitude for even the smallest things 365 days? A recent study by Paul Mills of the University of California San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine looked at the effects of...

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May is Postpartum Depression Awareness Month

May is Postpartum Depression Awareness Month

Postpartum Support International has declared May National Maternal Depression Awareness Month. What are the signs of postpartum depression (PPD) and anxiety? According to Samantha Meltzer-Brody, MD, MPH,“Women with PPD usually have low mood, prominent anxiety and...

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Creating change in 2015

Creating change in 2015

It's the New Year and we've all been asked about our New Year's resolutions. Whether you've made a resolution or not, the new year can be a good time to pause and reflect on the changes you want to create in your life. Happier, healthier relationships? Greater...

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Is social media ruining your relationship?

Is social media ruining your relationship?

Feeling down because everyone else's life seems better than yours on facebook and Instagram? What we post on social media often does not reflect the reality of our lived experience. Spending too much time on social media at the expense of the person sitting next to us...

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Reducing Stress

Reducing Stress

Studies show that taking quick relaxation breaks throughout the day can increase productivity and reduce stress. How about taking 20 seconds to relax right now?  Click on the photo (left) for a 20 second video escape to the ocean. Interested in more ways to build in...

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Dream into Action

Dream into Action

What are your dreams for 2013? Often we refer to our dreams as New Year's Resolutions. This tends to provide inspiration for change as we tell our family members, friends and co-workers about them in early January. We may say we will get fit, reduce our spending, or...

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Living with Gratitude

Living with Gratitude

Everyday thoughts swirl around in our head. Most of these thoughts are oriented towards the future - what is going to happen if... Sometimes we catch ourselves ruminating about the past. If only I had... Living in the present, in the moment is difficult. Yet, finding...

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Modern Families: Housework & Stress

Modern Families: Housework & Stress

How does the division of household work (like cooking, cleaning and laundry) affect a relationship? According to a University of Southern California study published in the Journal of Family Psychology (2011), for dual wage earners with at least one child, the spouse...

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